Emma came to visit me today, she is beautiful.
Although, she and her Mom had a rough start to her entrance into the world, having to spend some time in Nicu.
Ruppy, Emma’s Mom had to have a blood transfusion immediately after delivery, so it was a difficult time for both of them.
Mom and baby are now doing well.
Unfortunately, Indy, Ruppy’s husband/Emma’s Dad died in a motorcycle accident in July this year. Indy would have been over the moon with beautiful Emma.
This year is a tough one for Ruppy, but she is doing amazing and is just so incredibly happy to start sharing her life with Emma.
Emma has many of her Dad’s facial features that has brought Ruppy so much comfort in this difficult time.
She will be an incredible mother, I am happy that I was able to provide both a maternity and newborn session for Ruppy.
I got so many precious and beautiful images and I know these images will be cherished forever.
Throughout the session I used pinks and creams and I incorporated personal items that Mom wanted to document with baby Emma.
I hope you enjoy these images – Maggie x