With Covid 19 I have implemented some cleaning and safety protocols.
My studio is exceptionally clean, tidy and perfect for newborns.
With Covid, I have implemented certain safety measures.
*Upon entering my home studio I will ask you to wash your hands
*I will sanitize the handle of the baby car seat whilst you wash your hands.
* if you bring a phone into my studio I will sanitize this also.
* I clean my studio thoroughly before each session with Cavicide-a hospital/nicu grade disinfectant
*I wear a N95 mask throughout the whole session
*I have 2 touchless hand sanitizer stations in my studio to keep mine and parents hands germ free
* all fabric backdrops/wraps that come into contact with the baby are washed after each use.
*All props are cleaned with cavicide.
*all hats and headbands are sprayed after each use with a alcohol spray
*I wear a white scrub top that I bleach and wash after each use.
I want to keep you and your little family safe.
Maggie Bebe Newborn Photography